
“Pacific Drive” lets players steer into the heart of an enigmatic and treacherous Exclusion Zone, where survival hinges not just on speed but on wit, resourcefulness, and the strategic management of resources. As you navigate and drive through this perilous landscape, here are 10 Tips and Tricks for “Pacific Drive” to help you along your drive and ensure your journey is as exhilarating as it is enduring.

1. Leverage Your Environment

Kick to Survive

Objects and anomalies can become significant obstacles. Use a well-placed kick to dislodge dangerous items attached to your car or free it when stuck. This simple action can save you from many precarious situations.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive

2. Understand Your Tools

Matter Deconstructor

This device is crucial for breaking down items into materials. However, it has its limitations. Not everything can be recycled, so learn what works and what doesn’t to optimize your resource gathering.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive

Electrician’s Kits

These kits are essential for electrical repairs and also serve a secondary function of opening locked doors. Utilize them judiciously to maintain your car’s functionality and explore new areas.


Use prybars for their intended purpose: opening locked doors and trunks. Avoid using them to smash objects, as this causes rapid damage and reduces their utility.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive

3. Resource Management

Dumpster Diving

Your garage’s dumpster is a treasure trove of valuable items. Check it regularly before crafting anything. This simple habit can save you precious resources. No one will judge you.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive

4. Exploration Tools

Scanner and Anomalies

Your scanner is your best friend in detecting hazardous anomalies and uncovering valuable crafting recipes. Invest time in scanning to make your journey safer and more fruitful.

Vacuum Cleaners

An often-overlooked tool, vacuum cleaners allow for efficient collection of scattered items. This can significantly speed up your resource gathering efforts.

5. Strategic Movement


If your car gets stuck, teleportation can be a lifesaver. However, it drains your car’s battery, so reserve this for truly dire situations.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive

6. Identifying Beneficial Anomalies

Not all anomalies are detrimental. Some can heal your car, providing a much-needed repair. Keep an eye out for these rare but beneficial phenomena.

7. Safety First

When interacting with your car, especially when closing the trunk, ensure your character’s safety. A moment of carelessness can lead to injury.

10 Tips and Tricks for "Pacific Drive


“Pacific Drive” is not just a test of driving skill but a challenge to your ability to adapt, plan, and survive in a hostile environment. By considering these ten tips, they will make your journey into the Exclusion Zone not just survivable but enjoyable. Remember, success in “Pacific Drive” comes from understanding your environment, managing your resources, and always being prepared for the unexpected. With these Tips and Tricks in hand, you’re well on your way to mastering the roads less traveled and uncovering the secrets of the Exclusion Zone, don’t forget to turn on iconic music on the way.

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