
Last Epoch there is a lot of loot to enhance your character, you will need a Loot Filter. As your arsenal grows, so does the amount of loot dropped the Loot Filter spares you from sorting through endless items. This guide introduces you to loot filters, a tool indispensable for focusing on the gear or stats that truly matter.

Understanding Loot Filters in Last Epoch

Loot filters in Last Epoch are an blessed tool to manage the huge amount of items dropped. These filters allow players to customize how items are displayed based on specific criteria, such as item rarity, type, affixes, and more. The Loot Filter ensures that players can focus on loot that is relevant to their current build, minimizing clutter.

How to Loot Filters in Last Epoch: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Set Up Loot Filters

To access the loot filter system in Last Epoch, press Shift+F while in-game. This brings up the loot filter menu, with options to create a new filter from scratch or import one that has been shared by the community. Creating a filter involves naming it, possibly adding a description for clarity, and then beginning the process of defining rules.

Crafting Effective Rules

The core of a loot filter is its rules. Each rule can be set to show, hide, or recolor items based on specific conditions:

  • Show: Items that meet the rule’s criteria will be displayed with their normal appearance.
  • Hide: Items that meet the rule’s criteria will not be shown, reducing screen clutter.
  • Recolor: Items that meet the rule’s criteria will be displayed, but with a different color to make them stand out.
How to Loot Filters in Last Epoch: A Comprehensive Guide

Conditions Deep Dive

Each rule is defined by conditions. Here’s a more detailed look at some of the conditions available:

  • Affixes: Players can filter items based on specific affixes, such as “Melee Critical Strike Chance” or “Increased Spell Damage”. This is particularly useful for targeting stats that complements your build.
  • Item Type: This allows filtering by specific categories of items, like swords, helmets, or rings, enabling players to focus on equipment for their character’s class or build.
  • Rarity: Players can set filters to focus on items of a specific rarity, like Unique or Legendary, ensuring that they don’t miss out on potentially game-changing gear.
  • Level Requirements: This condition can help players target loot that’s appropriate for their character’s current level, avoiding clutter from items that are either too high or too low level to be of immediate use.
How to Loot Filters in Last Epoch: A Comprehensive Guide

Managing and Prioritizing Rules

The order of rules within a loot filter is important, as it determines how conflicts between rules are resolved. Rules higher up in the list take priority over those below them. This allows players to create nuanced filters that, for example, generally hide a category of items but show exceptions that meet specific criteria.

Advanced Strategies and Tips

  • Dynamic Filtering: Consider using conditions that adjust based on your character’s level or the affix tiers on items. This approach ensures that your loot filter remains effective as your character progresses.
  • Community Collaboration: Look into filters shared by the Last Epoch community for inspiration. Many experienced players share their filters, which can be a great starting point for creating your own. Good Sites are: MaxRoll.ggIcyveins
  • Regular Revisions: Your needs will change as your character grows and your understanding of the game deepens. Regularly revisit and adjust your loot filter to ensure it aligns with your current goals.

How To Import Loot Filters

To import loot filters in Last Epoch, you need to donwload a filter, and then using the game’s interface to apply it to your game. Here’s a guide on how to do it:

  1. Download the Loot Filter File: First, you need to find a loot filter that suits your needs. The Last Epoch forums, community sites, or content creators are good places to look for these. Once you’ve found a filter you’d like to use, download the file to your computer.
  2. Locate Your Loot Filter Folder: Last Epoch stores loot filters in a specific folder within its game directory. This is typically found in the game’s installation folder, under a path similar to C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Filters on Windows. The path might vary based on your operating system.
  3. Move the Loot Filter File: Copy or move the downloaded loot filter file and if needed, create a text file and copy it into the loot filter folder mentioned above. Ensure that the file is not zipped or compressed, as the game needs to access it in its original format.
  4. Applying the Loot Filter in Game: Start Last Epoch and open the loot filter menu by pressing Shift+F (or the designated key bind for accessing loot filters in-game). You should see an option to import or select an existing filter. Choose the import option if applicable, or simply select the filter you’ve just added to the folder from a list of available filters.
  5. Activate the Loot Filter: Once the filter is selected, it should be applied to your game.
  6. Adjustments and Customization: After importing and enabling the filter, you may want to make adjustments to better suit your current in-game needs.
How to Loot Filters in Last Epoch: A Comprehensive Guide


Mastering loot filters in Last Epoch can significantly enhance your gameplay by ensuring that you focus on loot that’s relevant and beneficial to your character’s progression. By carefully setting up and managing your filters, you can streamline your loot collection process, making your gameplay experience more enjoyable and efficient. Remember, a well-crafted loot filter evolves with your character!

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