
Dungeonborne is here to deliver for those looking for a truly immersive medieval fantasy experience. Developed with Unreal Engine 5, this game seems like its not an “addition” to the genre but an innovator. A pushing force of what a dark fantasy extraction dungeon crawler can be. It merges the lootgoblin feeling with the unpredictability of PvPvE elements. Creating unique situations where adrenalin is pumping from the first encounter.

Dungeonborne is an enthralling PvPvE first-person dungeon crawler. Journey alone or team up with trusted companions to hunt for treasures, explore mysterious dungeons, and battle against fearsome monsters and cunning opponents. Developed by Mithril Interactive

Gameplay Overview

The game plunges players into a meticulously designed dark fantasy world where every dungeon crawl is a potential loss of everything, even your sanity. The environment is more than a backdrop; it’s an active participant in the player’s journey. Here, strategy takes precedence as players navigate through treacherous landscapes filled with deadly traps and formidable foes. The game’s extraction mechanic, injects a palpable sense of urgency, compelling players to balance the greed for loot against the primal instinct of survival.

Combat and Strategy: A Symphony of Chaos

Dungeonborne’s combat system is pretty simple and easy to get into; tactics while battling and using your surroundings are equally crucial. Players can choose from an array of classes, each with its own unique combat system and associated skills. From the brute strength of the Fighter and Deathknight to the fire-hungry Pyromancer and Cryomancer, the game offers a diversity of playstyles. Strategy is paramount, with players leveraging the terrain and environmental traps to gain the edge in battles. This dynamic interplay between the classes, the environment, and the enemies makes every encounter randomized. For those of you who don’t want to crawl a dungeon, you can jump into the arena and play 3v3.

Beyond the Battlefield: Classes, Crafting, and Community

The game’s class system is rich and varied, offering roles that are well known from other RPG’s. Whether you’re drawn to the Shildmelee as a Fighter, prefer some backstab opportunity as a Rogue, or wish to command the elements as a Pyromancer, Dungeonborne provides a platform for your preferred style of play. Beyond combat, the game introduces a crafting system that allows players to create and upgrade their gear, adding another layer of depth to the preparation for dungeon delves. Also the marketplace is something that is quite interesting and reminds me of early Diablo 3

The community aspect of Dungeonborne cannot be understated. With options for solo play, team-ups, and competitive arenas, the game fosters a sense of camaraderie and rivalry alike. The Steam Next Fest DEMO phase has been a testament to the game’s potential, with feedback from players shaping its development. This iterative process promises to refine Dungeonborne into a game that meets the expectations of its audience.

Graphics and Audio

Dungeonborne is built in Unreal Engine 5, promising players an immersive experience with elaborately designed environments that blend gothic architecture and menacing dungeons. The game aims to deepen immersion through the use of stereoscopic spatial audio, which creates subtle, almost illusory sounds like footsteps, the creaking of doors, and other ambient noises. This attention to auditory detail allows players to become fully engrossed in the game’s world, using sound cues to gain an advantage over their adversaries.

User Experience

The game introduces a unique extraction mechanic, allowing players to either secure their loot and exit safely or risk venturing further at the cost of potentially losing everything if they perish. You can extract with Ritual Scroll’s, which is the safer method. The other method of extracting is using the Escape Portal but it will reveal your location to other players on the mini map. This mechanic, adds a layer of tension and strategic decision-making not commonly found in traditional dungeon crawlers; you need to harness your inner Lootgoblin. The game also features a variety of specialized player classes, extensive crafting and enhancement systems, and environmental combat tactics, all of which contribute to a rich and dynamic user experience.

Dungeonborne x Dark and Darker

Comparing Dungeonborne and Dark and Darker offers an intriguing insight into two games that, while sharing a genre, present unique experiences to their players. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Graphics & Engine:
    • Dungeonborne uses Unreal Engine 5, offering superior graphics and advanced effects like ray tracing.
    • Dark and Darker is built on Unreal Engine 4.
  • Combat & Skills:
    • Dungeonborne features 7 unique classes with distinct spells and abilities but lacks class customization.
    • Dark and Darker offers class customization and a variety of skills.
  • Character Progression:
    • Dungeonborne emphasizes character progression through gameplay and looting for stat increases.
    • Dark and Darker allows for passive skill customization and progression.
  • Game Modes:
    • Dungeonborne introduces an Arena Mode for PvP combat without loot loss, a feature not present in Dark and Darker.
  • AI & Gameplay:
    • Both games utilize pre-made assets but Dungeonborne’s AI is critiqued for being more exploitable.
  • User Experience:
    • Dungeonborne is noted for more open maps, better graphics due to Unreal Engine 5, and more accessible game events compared to Dark and Darker.


Dungeonborne is shaping up to be a well-known name in its genre. With its innovative mechanics, rich storytelling, and dynamic combat, it promises to be a landmark title in the genre. Dungeonborne offers an adventure, more so because of the extraction mechanic, where every choice is a matter of whether to risk it or just go away, and every victory is a tale worth telling. Don’t forget, this is a Demo there will be bugs and inbalance, but with Mithril Interactive patching the Demo better and faster than some AAA companies’ full releases, they will iron it out quickly. I’m excited for the genre to grow with such good titles as Dungeonborne.

Try the DEMO

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