
No Man’s Sky – imagine being handed the keys to a spaceship with the task to explore, research, and experience the infinite universe. This is where No Man’s Sky begins.

No Man’s Sky is a science fiction game about exploration and survival in a boundless, real-time generated universe from the studio “Hello Games”. Released on August 12, 2016.

Gameplay Overview

We start off quite modestly, with one spaceship, one multi-tool, and some random planet in the universe. Our very first task is to get the spaceship up and running again and head into infinity. In the process, we learn what to pay attention to, be it climatic conditions, flora and fauna, all of which are usually against us. For instance, a planet can be plagued by solar storms, radiation, and cold, drastically reducing our lifespan. And if you encounter hostile flora and fauna, it feels like real life, everything against you. Despite these circumstances, we must gather resources which we then use to repair the spaceship.


This serves as an introduction to the crafting system, which will be a pivot point as we’ll need to craft everything from fuel for our spaceship/freighter, upgrade the space suit and base building. So, one can imagine that resource gathering and building will be a major aspect. With the repaired spaceship, the journey into infinity and beyond, thanks Buzz. After initial impressions like, WOW, OH MY GOD, COOL – we then start to become familiar with the flight mechanics, which are simple and quite intuitive. For all crash pilots, don’t worry, the landing sequence is automated, making landing a button press, but that doesn’t mean you can’t crash into the ground. Flying into space, the beginning of a very beautiful approx. 30-hour story starts. I won’t say anything about the story because I don’t want to spoil it, but I recommend it to everyone. It’s not so rigid and linear, but very much connected to exploration. When we are prompted, through the tutorial, to open the star map, our scroll wheel shows what infinity means. No matter how far we zoom out of the map, it will never end. All the planets, star systems, and galaxies are procedurally generated – consequently, each planet has its own flora and fauna as well as geological peculiarities.

No Man's Sky Creature


The spacefaring base, every player has it and can call it to themselves wherever they are in the universe. Technically, it’s seen as an entrance into a multiplayer instance. This is the central multiplayer hub. Missions, events, and even shops for cosmetics are there, and everything can then be played in multiplayer. There, you can also show off your spaceship and your equipment, like at a car tuning meet.


Your base in space. The freighter is actually intergalactic, and at a warp, you will sooner or later arrive at a freighter in distress. It’s being attacked by space pirates, and if you save it, the captain and his crew join your mission to explore space and voila, you have a space base that you can expand. For all interior decorators, it’s a dream with corridors and decorative elements that you can edit and build. You’ll also have various departments like Exo-Vehicles, Research, Weapons,… for all those departments, you’ll also recruit specialists who will then also give you tasks. Your spaceships are also found in the hangar of the freighter. The freighters have different classifications from C-S Tier, the differences are fuel consumption, warp range, and storage capacity.

No Man's Sky Freighters


There are different types of spaceships, fighters, transports, explorers,… depending on the type, it’s more potent in its area. You have several ways to get new spaceships. In space stations, not in the Anomaly, but NPC space stations where you will meet other traveling NPCs, you can trade your spaceship, but usually, your spaceship will be worth very little so you will have to pay extra. On some planets, you will also come across crashed spaceships which you can then repair and they will then belong to you.
For me, that’s the best way to find new spaceships, you can also sell them to make a profit. Here, as with the freighters, we distinguish from C-S Tier.

No Man's Sky Spaceship

Base Building

On a planet, which you choose, you can then start building your base, whether on the surface or underwater is up to you, I recommend a mix of both. The good thing is that you can then build various exo-vehicles which will significantly speed up movement on the planet and who wouldn’t want to drift on an ice planet?

No Man's Sky Planet


You can tame the local fauna on each planet and then have the craziest pets you can imagine. You can also give them gadgets with which they then mine minerals or go collecting.


Like the freighter, you will randomly be in a system and receive a distress call from a planet, which will then be a village on the planet. If you help them, they will elect you as their mayor and then you have your village with your rules. Expand, profit, or simply rule.

No Man's Sky Monolith

Graphics and Audio

The graphics have been improved through several updates and are continuously being improved, so they are contemporary. A colorful style reminiscent of classic sci-fi art with high-contrast environments.

No Man's Sky Spaceship

Music is hard to distinguish from ambient sound. Maybe the music is very rare, or maybe I’ve muted it? It’s not intrusive, not annoying, so it’s perfect for me. Sound effects are appropriate and not exaggerated.

User Experience

The key binding is classic, so very little change is necessary, if at all. The UI is very clean and in the style of a “projection onto the helmet visor”. I like it, and everything is in the field of vision. If someone doesn’t like it, they can move and adjust HUD elements to their preference.

The speed or “progress” in No Man’s Sky is determined by oneself. If you just want to fly around and explore, do it. But if you want to be a pirate and raid freighters, do it. So, there is no given speed. If you want to do missions with other players on the Anomaly, JUST DO IT. You can also make world settings to make it more challenging or not; it’s up to you. Your space, your rules.

Rescuing Updates

No Man’s Sky came under quite a bit of criticism at release because it was very monotonous and the possibilities were very limited for an endless universe an example of promises not kept. However, Hello Games has released many essential updates, with sometimes huge changes that have made the game what it is today:

  • Foundation Update (2016):
    • Introduction of base building and freighters, which gave the game more depth.
  • Path Finder Update (2017):
    • Introduction of new vehicles for exploring planet surfaces.
  • Atlas Rises Update (2017):
    • Overhaul of the story, improved graphics, introduction of portals and system-wide trade.
  • NEXT Update (2018):
    • Introduction of full multiplayer, significant graphical overhauls, expansion of base building, and introduction of character customizations.
  • Beyond Update (2019):
    • Expansion of multiplayer, introduction of VR support, and further expansion of online features.
  • Origins Update (2020):
    • Massive expansion of the diversity and complexity of game worlds, introduction of new planets, flora, fauna, and weather effects.
  • Companions Update (2021):
    • Enabled taming and raising creatures as companions.
  • Frontiers Update (2021):
    • Added settlements and significantly expanded base building options.
  • Prisms Update (2021):
    • Graphical overhauls, improved lighting and textures, introduction of pets.
  • Expeditions Update (2021):
    • New game modes offering time-limited challenges.

Personal Experience and Opinion

For me, No Man’s Sky was wonderful, from amazement to curiosity, from combat to exploring. There’s just something for every player to do, and anyone who likes sci-fi shouldn’t just pass by No Man’s Sky. I can only recommend playing it.

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