Palworld: The Cocktail, Stirred Not Shaken

    Imagine Pokemon had a baby with Dauntless. Their aunt is Factorio and a strange uncle Valheim. It sounds like an interesting mixture and it is. There is nothing revolutionary Palworld is doing yet it feels like this infant is something we were waiting for and, at least I am, eager to play.

    Palworld is a Multiplayer-Survival-Crafting, Pals catching and Sandbox like building game. The Developer “Pocket Pair” released it on the 19.01.2024 available for PC and can be purchased on Steam or Xbox Game Pass.

    Gameplay Overview

    Gameplay is very straight forward. You start off on an Island, bare bones and start throwing fists against some chicken-like Pals.There’s an in-game tutorial that provides knowledge about basic game mechanics. A Technology tree is there to unlock- depending on your level and points, you gain through level ups, you will be able to go through different stages from simple “Wood” structures to “High Tech” building recipes. Depending on which Pal you have, you can have 5 active Pals in your “Fight team” and I think, endless in your Palbank. You can craft special Items for them which allow you to use them as a FLAMETHROWER or as a MOUNT for example.

    There are boss-like Pals across the Map which you can fight and catch- no not with Pokeballs – with Pal Spheres – same same but different. Arenamasters are also there which are exactly what they sound like a PalTrainer/Catcher- what ever they are called- waiting to be defeated. Dungeons are randomized on the map but be aware there is no Map in the Dungeons so if you have a sense of orientation like a chicken you might get lost. In the dungeons there are different Pals and also Poacher’s which you need to fight. The fight is very easy, command your Pal to fight your target or throw the Pokeb…. oh I mean PalSphere at them and they will engage. You then can either join the fight with a Bow or a Axe maybe even use the good old Baseball-bat – still, watching your Pals fight is more fun.

    Graphics and Audio


    The Graphics of Palworld are Mediocre, only the Pals are something which stands out but I think it’s paired with the well designed originality of them. The Animations for the Characters and Pals are quite basic but it did not bother me. Also the Sound effects are at times good and not annoying but sometimes the simplicity is just to simple, even I start to imitate the sound or voice acting and get a few weird looks from my wife. As for the in-game music, it’s decent enough, but I tend to turn it down after the first hour as it becomes repetitive. This might just be a personal preference, though.

    User Experience

    There are very few controls and bindings needed, thanks to the straightforward concept where your Pals do most of the work. The UI is also standard you see everything you need.

    Palworld doesn’t feel that difficult, The Dungeons are quite easyier IN and harder OUT. The boss-like Pals are as well, if you are well prepared, doable and even catchable. The Arenabosses are challenging- you need to pick the right element type of the Pals. Facing an Arena boss with a Fire Pal calls for choosing a Water Pal for an elemental advantage. So the Element of your Pal is important.

    The Pacing of the game is good there is always something to do either in your base, gather wood, stone etc. With progresses, your Pals start take over base-related tasks. You can catch a new Pal or travel, while riding or even flying with your Pal, and its not hard to level up either everything you do in-game gives experience to you and your Pal.

    Pokemon x Dauntless + Valheim + Factorio = PALWORLD

    And there is nothing wrong with it. From those games the guys at Pocket Pair took the best and implemented it in their game and guess what- it Works. Your Pals will work in your Base and they´ll do everything,

    depending on the Pal, some can craft some can chop trees and so on. You want to hunt the boss like Pal on the Island – go for it!

    Or you want the Valheim experience where you do everything all at once- there you have it. With Pokemon there is no Comparison needed i guess.

    Personal Experience and Conculsion

    Hmm.. My personal experience with Palworld has been great, it fulfills everything my inner child ever desired. However, my younger self never had to work for money- that’s the responsibility of the grown-up me. The chunk of 28,99€ for what may seem like a mediocre game feels abit steep nowadays.I believe we are paying for the Idea and the vision behind the game, don’t forget it’s Early Access at this point of the review. I bought it and I am happy that I did. If you are ready for a long development ride and want to check everything out firsthand, buy the Early Access but there is nothing wrong with holding on the 28,99€ at this stage. When its developed and my predicted vision is correct, the game should be worth more then 28,99€.

    So i would Recommend it.

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