
Battlefield has faced severe criticism in its past launches, criticism that was quite justified. In the investors’ call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson spoke specifically about Battlefield 2025, alongside other key franchises like Star Wars.

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New Chapter in the Battlefield Franchise

Speculations allow for a launch in November 2025, though a delay into 2026 cannot be entirely ruled out. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; if EA and DICE are more willing to pursue game quality over profit chasing, it’s a step in the right direction.

Reimagination Battlefield

EA’s Andrew Wilson has confirmed that the new release of Battlefield will also be a reorientation. Considering the last two titles, this is necessary. Especially Battlefield 2042, which was heavily criticized at launch, full of bugs, and missing mechanics. Therefore, EA is under pressure, as Battlefield 2025 must become a turning point for the, actually, popular franchise.

Future and Player Expectations

Rumors suggest the setting will lean towards modern or near-future. Many fans, myself included, hope for a return to the roots of the game; Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, and Battlefield 4.

A lot of Studio Power

We know of four studios involved in the development of Battlefield 2025; EA DICE, Ripple Effect, Ridgeline Games, and Criterion Games. This too is a good sign that EA wants to help the franchise move in a better direction with resources and studio power.

Statements from EA

In the investor call, Andrew Wilson, CEO of EA, spoke about the future of EA and its direction. Naturally, the investors primarily have the priority with making money with EA, usually at the expense of the community. Whether Andrew Wilson will manage to strike a balance and meet all expectations, from the community and the investors, remains to be seen. However, there is at least an acknowledgment that many things are going wrong with the franchises, and the willingness to invest has been assured.


Waiting until 2025/2026 can be disappointing for some, but personally, I prefer to wait longer rather than play briefly and uninstall. Also, the willingness to learn from mistakes and finally release a Battlefield that is, relatively free of bugs and loaded with content, seems given. The manpower will not fail since four studios for one game hold a lot of potentials. Nonetheless, it remains to be seen if the redefinition matches our definition; expectations are high, but so are the resources available.

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