
In 2024, the MMORPG genre will experience a few courageous and innovative titles. Games like “Ashes of Creation” by Intrepid Studios, “Corepunk” by Artificial Core and “Camelot Unchained” by City State Entertainment are at the forefront. Player engagement, community building, and immersive gameplay experiences. This article provides an overview of these anticipated MMORPGs, highlighting their contributions to the genre.

Ashes of Creation: Innovating Player Impact

Your Actions Matter

“Ashes of Creation” is shaping up to be a new contender for the #1 spot in the MMORPG genre. It blends elements of traditional MMO gameplay with innovative new features. Developed by Intrepid Studios, it’s set in the high-fantasy world of Verra. A realm filled with a variety of biomes and dynamic environments that react to player actions. The game has been in development since 2015 and gained significant attention after a highly successful Kickstarter campaign in 2017, raising over $3.2 million.

Classes and Races

Players can choose from nine races and eight primary archetypes, such as Tank, Cleric, and Mage, among others, which allows for a diverse range of 64 possible class combinations once a secondary archetype is chosen at level 25. “Ashes of Creation” aims to cater to a wide array of playstyles and preferences. The world itself is built on player-driven dynamics; as players engage with the game, regions known as nodes will develop into towns or cities based on collective activity, which in turn influences the political and economic landscape.

Players Shape the World

One of the game’s ambitious features is its commitment to a player-driven world. Nodes are a central system in the game, they evolve as players interact with the area, leading to the development of villages, towns, and cities. This system ensures that each server will host a unique world shaped by its player base. The danger that some servers will be in “Ironage,” while others are still in “Stoneage” is present, but let’s wait and see how “Ashes of Creation” will balance it out.

Combat System

The combat system merges action combat with tab-targeting, a hybrid that should feel familiar to everyone yet somehow new. Providing depth and skill in player encounters. Travel in the game should boost immersion and interaction with the environment, with limitations on fast travel and flying mounts to encourage exploration.

Unreal Engine 5 and Release

“Ashes of Creation” is powered by Unreal Engine 5, promising stunning visuals and a rich, immersive world.

Despite the anticipation, the game remains in alpha testing without a confirmed release date. However, the developers at Intrepid Studios are dedicated to regular updates and communication with their fanbase. Ensuring that “Ashes of Creation” remains one of the most eagerly awaited titles in the MMORPG genre.

Corepunk: Blending Genres and Strategies

Corepunk” is an ambitious MMORPG developed by Artificial Core. Announced in December 2019, this game captures attention with its top-down perspective. A seamless, open world that combines futuristic sci-fi with dark fantasy settings. It’s described as a mix of “Cyberpunk, Diablo, and Ultima Online,” highlighting its influences and aiming to offer unique MMORPG experience.

Fog of War

A standout feature of “Corepunk” is the implementation of a fog-of-war mechanic, a rarity in MMORPGs. This feature demands strategic navigation and then, of course, combat. The game promises a full MMORPG experience with dungeons, raids, crafting, player housing, PvP battles, ensuring to checkmark every needed aspect of MMORPG’s in 2024.

Combat System and Karma

The combat system in “Corepunk” is designed to be tactical and real-time, enhanced by the fog-of-war and environmental interactions. Players can choose from classes, such as tanks, support, healers, or damage dealers, which can be further customized with a variety of builds. The game introduces a karma system where excessive player killing can label one as a criminal, adding consequences to PvP interactions.


Despite facing development challenges, Artificial Core has remained committed to delivering a high-quality game.

As of the latest information, “Corepunk” is still in development, with plans for closed beta testing. The release has been delayed from its initial Q4 2020 expectation, but the developers are focused on ensuring the game lives up to its potential before launch.

Camelot Unchained: A New Take on PvP and RvR

“Camelot Unchained” is an ambitious MMORPG focused on Arthurian fantasy, developed by City State Entertainment. It is known for emphasizing player-driven content, particularly Realm-vs-Realm (RvR) combat. Where players engage in large-scale battles representing one of three factions: Arthurians, Tuatha De Danann, and Vikings. This game is seen as a successor to “Dark Age of Camelot,” promising to deliver a similar PvP-focused experience with modern enhancements.

Fruit’s from Dark Age of Camelot

One of the most intriguing aspects of “Camelot Unchained” is its development journey, marked by its Kickstarter campaign launched in April 2013, raising over $2 million. With additional funding through their website and significant investments, including a notable $7.5 million from GF Capital Management & Advisors, LLC in 2018, the total crowdfunded amount reached $4.5 million, supplemented by $5 million from Mark Jacobs himself. Despite these efforts, the game has faced numerous delays, leading to a prolonged beta phase without a confirmed release date.

Building with C.U.B.E.

The game features a unique C.U.B.E. (Camelot Unchained Building Environment) system, allowing players to construct and customize buildings and defenses within the game world. This system aims for strategic gameplay, enabling the construction of intricate structures and fortifications for realm defense.


“Camelot Unchained” also introduces an innovative lore, rooted in a post-apocalyptic setting where three brothers, embodying the spirits of Arthur, Sigurd, and Nuada, forge realms in the wake of Camelot’s fall. This narrative backdrop serves as the foundation for the game’s RvR dynamics, with each faction fighting for dominance in a world shaped by players’ actions and alliances.


Despite its potential, “Camelot Unchained” has encountered skepticism due to its extended development period and the controversy surrounding the announcement of a new game, “Ragnarok: Colossus,” by City State Entertainment. This revelation sparked concern among “backers” regarding the allocation of resources and the future of “Camelot Unchained.”


The MMORPG genre in 2024 is on the brink of a transformative period, with “Ashes of Creation,” “Corepunk,” and “Camelot Unchained” leading the charge. These games promise to deliver at least something rich in innovation, community, and engagement. Each one has its own unique approach to world-building, gameplay, and player interaction. The future of MMORPGs looks bright indeed, Innovation and curage may be something we are missing nowadays, and that is what these MMORPG’s may bring to the genre.

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